Business Forest Access Health & Safety Induction

This Health & Safety Induction presentation is for all BUSINESS CONTRACTORS working in or visiting forests managed by Timberlands Limited (TL).

We consider this induction crucial in communicating to you our general health and safety expectations as well as the most significant hazards you may encounter while in our forests.

Please complete the registration, carefully read through the presentation (noting the images), then proceed to the questionnaire that follows. The presentation is formatted as a PDF so you can simply scroll up and down to navigate through the document. You can also download and print the document. 

TL is committed to effective health and safety management in every aspect of our work. As such, we are open to any safety improvements that can be made and welcome your feedback on our health and safety procedures. These and any other enquiries can be directed to the TL Health & Safety team. 

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Need support? If you need login details or have an enquiry, please get in contact

Timberlands Limited
   [email protected]
   (07) 343 1070